Looking straight, the building is so far away from the entrance!! The field is so big, if Yan is here, she sure very happy.
Ducklings with their Mummy.
Love the flowers here, all so colorful and pretty!
Copycat! Haha
I didn't know we have to pay to go in. But the proceeds will go to the charity so still ok la.
It take less then 10minutes and we have finished touring.. Boring...
When we are trying to take this picture, the policeman are chasing everyone off but i wanted to take a picture with the flowers so i stood there waiting for the people to pass by so i can take the picture and he just stood next to me and say “不可以了,不可以了。” I was a little pissed and ignored, how long can i take! He didn't back off so i asked him, you want to take the picture with me is it and he stepped away. I was so happy cos i find that my question to him is funny. Haha..
Anyway, i think he should tell us nicely and not use that tone and try to chase us away. If it's tourist, he really disgrace us.
Big Bang! BANG! BANG!! BANG!!!
Hubby suggested we go Dempsey for our late dinner as he mentioned about the place a lot of times but we never came.
He loves the beer, it's taste pretty good but i don't like to drink so i only took a sip.
One thing i like about here is the live band. As for the thai food, i've tasted better.
Oh, before we reached Tadawang, we passed by Timothy Oulton and i saw this chandelier, i love it so much!! Much cost a bomb i guess.. If only i saw this before we renovate our house... Maybe i would have bought this.. Hehe
Guess how much is it?
***Drum Drum***
The year i'm born!! =S