
Friday, 30 August 2013

Gisele's first Re-ment Set!

 Door gift on my company anniversary dinner
 Gisele with her classmate, Ke Er.
So cute right?! Why last time don't have this type of toys?

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Adventure Cove

Yeah, we are here!!!

There's a place at level 2 of the cave where there's fan and beanbags for you to relax. So nice! I actually kinda like beanbags... Maybe we should get one. Hehe..
It's very very sunny today... My god...
Sunday Morning...
Queuing for 2nd round of snorkeling as i figure i may not have the chance to do it in the sea cos someone doesn't know how to swim.....

Me in the background, waiting for snorkeling round 2! After the first round with hubby i loved it!! It felt so real and exciting. But the water was so cold and taste yucks!
That mermaid is me!! Wahaha!!
Before we left, we went to check out the photos they took for us but it was so expensive so i took my picture myself. Haha.. FOC! 

I did put on sunblock, probably applied too late that why still kenna sunburn.... Boo~

Tuesday, 20 August 2013


Bought a new mug over the weekend at Sanrio. It's on sale, $9.90 each.
It's a little small but it's cute and cheap so... Hehe
My colleague gave me 1 pair of Adventure Cove admission tickets. So thrilled cos i've never been there but always wanted to! =) I'm a water themepark fan!!
Received my taobao's order today! The hairbands are so cute and Melody REment is so cute too!! So happy!! =) But the biggest present today is the NTUC vouchers from company. Wahaha!!!
Since i've received the REment today, i wrapped it up and hubby say want to give her. When we showed it to her, she didn't want to accept reason being she knows what's inside and it's no longer a surprise. What kind of reason is that. Totally spoiled our mood.. End up it's like we forced her to accept the toy which is not cheap at all! She has to learn to appreciate.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Istana Open House!

 Looking straight, the building is so far away from the entrance!! The field is so big, if Yan is here, she sure very happy.
 Ducklings with their Mummy.
 Love the flowers here, all so colorful and pretty!
Copycat! Haha
I didn't know we have to pay to go in. But the proceeds will go to the charity so still ok la.
 It take less then 10minutes and we have finished touring.. Boring...
When we are trying to take this picture, the policeman are chasing everyone off but i wanted to take a picture with the flowers so i stood there waiting for the people to pass by so i can take the picture and he just stood next to me and say “不可以了,不可以了。” I was a little pissed and ignored, how long can i take! He didn't back off so i asked him, you want to take the picture with me is it and he stepped away. I was so happy cos i find that my question to him is funny. Haha..
Anyway, i think he should tell us nicely and not use that tone and try to chase us away. If it's tourist, he really disgrace us.
Big Bang! BANG! BANG!! BANG!!!
Hubby suggested we go Dempsey for our late dinner as he mentioned about the place a lot of times but we never came. 
He loves the beer, it's taste pretty good but i don't like to drink so i only took a sip.
One thing i like about here is the live band. As for the thai food, i've tasted better.
Oh, before we reached Tadawang, we passed by Timothy Oulton and i saw this chandelier, i love it so much!! Much cost a bomb i guess.. If only i saw this before we renovate our house... Maybe i would have bought this.. Hehe 
Guess how much is it?
***Drum Drum***
The year i'm born!! =S