So many stuff animal toys on the shelf, so cute. =)
Bought this for hubby cos he says he like the collection. =D This is my favourite among the collection.
I saw this at Sanrio and find it very cute but also feel that it's a waste of money to buy but they are so cute!
I told Gisele and she also find it very cute so i told hubby that we wish to buy this but was rejected flatly. Bleah. Then Gisele tried selling it by saying how cute and that we can hang it on the door etc. Haha.. But still failed. Of course i find it a bit expensive too that's why i hold back.
Above is done by Gisele. Scary and creepy dinosaurs.
Today we are going to Gisele's primary school for the P1 orientation. Finally can go in and look around!!
Wow, the stairs are so colorful and pretty and high... =S
Queuing in accords to their class. Her class is P1 Creativity! Suits her =D
While they are being brought to their class probably having fun coloring or something, we are here trying to keep awake.
Left the hall and go walk around as it's too boring. Went downstairs to get her textbooks and also check out her school uniform.
Wow, i find them very cute and sweet!! Love the round collar!!
Have to wear their socks unlike the past when we can just wear any white socks.
Their school attire, the girls even have bowtie!! My godness, cute to the max!!
Girl toilet is all pink! =D
Outdoor playground
This is on the other levels where it's still incomplete but that's how every level look just different color on each floor.
After the orientation, we went to Imperial for lunch with mum.
She immediately took out the white board we bought from her school and start drawing... =S
Some of her texts.
This year Christmas tree theme is by Tiffany.
Visited the newly open Robinson, i find this kid's sofa very cute!! Don't you feel so?
Somebody wants to fight already... =S
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