Woke up at 8am for our breakfast and as usual, while waiting for hubby to bath i will look at the weather app to check out the weather and temperature outside. I have to do that cos i don't know what to anticipate as we got no window in our room! HAHA!! As usual, the temperature is crazy and it indicated it is a snowing day so i was excited and wanted to go out quickly to check if it is snowing now but have to wait for hubby so i check on instagram. Cos if it's snowing in Seoul, i'm very sure someone will post a picture saying it's snowing in Seoul, everyone is excited when it's snowing, don't we? =)
When i saw that they are couple of pictures saying it's snowing and was posted like 5mins ago, i shouted to hubby say i'm going to the roof top to check it out and if i don't return in 5minutes means it's snowing and he should get his ass up too. Haha.. When i almost reached the door to the roof, i can feel the cold air and I felt so cold cos I am only wearing my windbreaker over my singlet. And then i saw white flakes falling from the sky, i got so excited and start running to the door and slide the door open. XD
It's my first time seeing snow and i really wonder how it felt when it falls on your skin, can you actually feel it on your skin. The answer is no, you don't feel anything at all in fact you can't even feel it. I was alone for about 5minutes and start worrying if it will stop before hubby comes up and he appeared. =D
The snow didn't last long, maybe for another 20minutes or so and it's not very heavy so it didn't leave any snow behind on the ground. Anyway i'm glad that mission is accomplished as the reason we came back Korea is i wanted to see and experience snow. =)

The snow melt away really fast, i can't managed to take a picture of how the snow flakes really looks like. It's unbelievable that that mesh of white thing actually look like what it look like in the cartoon. I really don't understand but i'm really amazed by the nature. =)
So let's start our first stop! It's the Bukchon Hanok Village!! Let's go!

Bought waffle to munch on while on our way to Anguk Station.
Yes, i ate the waffle in the train cos it's allow. :) They sell food and drinks in the station, food as in piping hot food not bread or titbits.
After we got out of Anguk Station, we realised this place got a very different feel compared to myeongdong. It's so serene and pretty here.
There's a huge mountain in the background. So beautiful.
Selfie Selfie
All the houses here actually have people staying in them. So there's a lot of sign telling tourist to be quiet. But how come my neighborhood so noisy? haha..
This is a hot spot for photo taking =)
Left the village saw B1 on the lamp post. Hehe..
Withered but still beautiful.
Second stop in Anguk station - Jogyesa Temple!
Went in to the temple found a spot, took a cushion sat down for 15minutes, palms together, listening to the monk chanting, feeling so blessed and safe. =D
This is the entrance of the temple. =)
On our way back to the station we saw some youngster wearing the traditional costume taking pictures outside a house so we went forward to check it out and realised they rent costume for phototaking and it's not expensive so we left our name for an appointment and came back later. Actually i know there's free renting of costume for photo taking at one of the palace on Sunday but since it's so cheap and it's not crowded here so might as well do it here. =)
Among the clothes i think this look nicer so i chose pink. Others are like Yellow, gold, red. I wanted to wear the rainbow one but it's for kids... Bleah..
Never mind, anyway pink looks nice too. =)
=D haha..
I'm surprised that he actually okay with wearing it and take pictures with it. =D Why should i be surprise? Cos he's always no sporting. =(
Yan will do anything with me. =)
Anyoung haseyo!
The exterior of this Italian resturant is so pretty and i suggested we have our lunch here but when we went in, we were told that they are not serving food yet.. Kns.. What time already! It's already 2pm!!
B1 again!! =D
Heading to Insadong, a place with art galleries and tea houses.
Hunting for place for lunch. =) A lot of restaurants here too but mostly at the side of Insadong main street.
Found one and hop in for some warmth and make our stomach warm.
Only ordered a grilled fish and bbq pork but end up all the side dishes are filling up the table. Haha..
The bbq pork is very spicy and yummy. =D
After our meal, we left Insadong quickly and head to Changgyeonggung Palace as the sun will set soon and we need sunlight to take nice photos ler.
See, sun setting liao la.. =(
Moon is coming up already.
It's really goregous inside, but i can't tell you what we saw cos it's a secret. Haha!!!
It's closed when we reached there. BOO~~~~~~~~ =( I was very disappointed... Cos i heard it's very pretty inside..
This door make me think that if i open it, it will be in another era.
Like this one. Haha..
Maybe not.
After touring the whole palace except the secret garden, we left as they are closing also.
The sun set really early.
The sun set really early.
Highlight of the day!!! BAU HOUSE!!!
I smell doggies!!! I hear doggies!!!
I can feel doggies watching me!! =D
See that cute face staring at me. =) Hehe..
There are people who brought their doggies here and also people like us coming to meet and play with Bau House's doggy family! =)
I was hoping to find a schnauzer that look like bebe cos i miss her so much. =(Nope, no one look like her. They are all adorable but i only want my yan. =(
But still, i love dogs so any dogs can make me happy. =)
She kept hanging around us and slept in her pumpkin bed. =)
Kinda the star here maybe because he's small so everyone wants to carry him. =) He run very fast so no chance to even touch him.
Wow, first time seeing this breed. She's very very tall and big!
My eyes look puffy cos i think i sneeze like 100times but still don't wish to leave. Haha.. There's too much fur flying around that's why i kept sneezing. =(
Exchanged seat with hubby so he can take a picture with her. =)
Sleepy head. She just slept beside me almost the entire night.
Almost look like a commercial aid. Haha..
We left around 7pm mainly due my machine gun sneeze but also because we've been in the cafe for slightly more than an hour. Since it's still early, we thought we should go to Dongdaemum to shop. =)
Where is the shopping area???
Where??!? Found the mall and seems like it's closed and it doesn't look very appealing so i suggest we go back and have dinner. Anyway i'm not very keen to buy clothing also, after all it's winter now.
Went back Myeongdong and bought pizza for dinner-become-supper. I love their pizza here! It's so crispy and soft.. My godness.. Back in the room with yummy pizza is like heaven. Only need to wear 1 thin layer plus munching on hot delicious food, shiok. =D
Going to sleep early since the day is more valuable then the night here, especially the most important thing in this season, the SUN. XD
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