Outfit of the day! Yes!! Another dress!! Not only it's pretty they save a lot of luggage weight and space too!! Hehe.. Love my new motorcycle jacket too, it matches with almost everything!
Breakfast! Not really nice but edible.
Hello!!! Good morning little one! =D
Today's weather - Very cloudy
Waiting for bus 260, we are going to Yangmingshan today!! I'm very excited about this place. =)
I'm those people who will pick mountains then shopping. =D
On our way!!! Oh my god, the weather doesn't look good here.. =(
Before we start our long walk, i spotted Starbuck and we immediately head there and get a coffee each. The weather here is pretty cooling so we got hot ones and know what!! They are having buy 1 big cup and free 1 big cup!!! Oh my god, i can't believe it man. Haha.. Super happy...
Once collected we left as i don't wish to waste any time! Haha..
Saw this girl opposite us and i waved at her and she stared at me so i start waving again and hubby followed too. After few seconds she turned and walked towards us.. I was a little scare at first cos Yan Yan is so small and she's so big so i'm not used to big dogs. She seems harmless but stayed very close to us and we are kinda scare for a while. Haha..
The closer she gets, the more nervous we got. So we walked really fast hoping she will not follow us anymore.
At the bus terminal, the bus driver even smile when he saw her following us. Yes, she's still following closely. Maybe it's our expression, others can tell we are a little scare cos a gardener who was nearby came with his big scissor and tried scaring her away. She look terrified but did not run away, i felt bad so i told him to stop it.

Lets embark our journey with our cute tour guide! I was referring to Xiao Hei of course!
See, she seriously followed us everywhere. Haha..

Left or right? Left of course!! Initally we thought Xiao Hei is eyeing our starbuck but apparently not! Cos even after we finished it and threw them away, she still kept following us. She will usually walk in front and kept turning back and look if we follow. If we stop and she stop and sit beside us too. Oh my, she really stole a small part of our hearts. =) How sweet is she..
Where is where. I just want to go to the peak! So end up we did not follow the map and just kept walking.
Look likes a scene from Wrong Turn. Creepy creepy..
Always by your side.
Suddenly it was raining cats and dogs so we went to the visitor centre to hide =D
The rain stopped after a short while, we visited the toilet as it's near the center and Xiao Hei followed Hubby in the toilet and waited outside his cubicle. haha.. She's so sweet!!! Cos when i came out, i was surprise that i can't see her anywhere but when i saw hubby coming out of the toilet i saw her following behind. Haha....
At the side of the carpark we saw pushcarts selling food so we bought 2 sausage for Xiao Hei to eat. It's gone within a minute. Actually i feel that Xiao Hei most probably have a owner as she look so clean and she's not skinny at all! =) I hope she have a home.
There's a lot of stray here that looks like Xiao Hei too, the one in the picture is not Xiao Hei. Haha.. I saw someone like Bebe too! =D
We passed by a empty carpark and saw 4 big dogs lotiering around and they saw or smell Xiao Hei and got angry and start barking and ran over. Cold sweat bursting out from us and it's not 4 puppies but 4 big dogs! And we were so worried for Xiao Hei too, asked her to run but she just stand beside us looking at them and tried keeping a distance from them. The dogs saw us in front of Xiao Hei and did not pursue although they look very angry and still barking. After this incident we are so afraid on how we are going to leave this place later as we sure have to walk back the same route... =S
Caught hubby with another girl in the park! XD

So pretty..
Someone is thirsty after the snack. Hehe..
Satisfied Xiao Hei
Let's take a picture together!
Again la!

Shy girl
Xiao Hei got a shiny butt. Haha..
They went up to check out what's up there while i wait at the end of the stairs.
Love this picture!!
How i wish i can bring her home!!

Very sad, of course she can't follow us forever as we can never bring her back so we bought another 2 more sausages for her and walked to the visitor center and seek for help. The lady there helped us by luring her to a corner and feeding her slowly and ask us to run while she's not looking. My godness, i felt like we are betraying Xiao Hei and abandoning her... When we reached the bottom of yms, we heard a sound which sound like dog whining to us. I seriously hope it's not Xiao Hei. I'm sorry we left you.. =(
Took the bus and ride all the way to Shilin market.. I almost doze off so many times!! Luckily we got seats cos the bus is packed with students!! What a torture man..
Yes, 1 please! =) After Shilin, we went back to our place to buy supper back.
Hope Xiao Hei is home sleeping warmly. =)
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