At Ximending , not sure what is going on.
Wearing my new shoe =) So comfortable!
We at the studio to choose photos today! Headache time!! XD
We spent a couple of hours choosing and shortlisting so they bought bubble tea and lunch for us. =D
We were so hungry luckily the 便当 was yummy. =D
Frame that we are choosing, too bad no white.
After choosing we head to Hello Kitty Cafe. =)
So cute!
Pink bricks wall!
Cute poodle =D

Hubby ordered this cos Tiramisu is sold out.

These cakes are meant to see not for eat cos they don't taste nice at all.

Complimentary Mango pudding

Luckily we didn't order our dinner cos saw a lot people did not finish their food so i guess its not nice. Haha..

Got to check out their toilet so see if it's cute too. Haha!
Wa, not bad but small.
This is cute!
Bleah, so boring..
恭喜发财! HAHA

After the dinner, we went to Ding Tai Fung for yummy dinner!


Fun Run competition
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